Aridis, Chosen of Sobek Aridis, Chosen of Sobek boss. The Son’s only notable drop is Thorgar’s Recipe Fragment, a stone tablet that is one requirement to unlock the Pride of Aesir armor. The original Thorgar was said to be a skilled blacksmith, and his descendants inherited recipes only they could read. The Son of Thorgar is part of a family line of blacksmiths. He attacks as a standard wight, made marginally more difficult by the lack of breathing space and multiple other wights being in the same room. The Son of Thorgar is a wight found in The Cursed Mound, located within The Mounds of the Dead. This pet is a follower version of the Living Mountain. Living Mountain is notable for his chance to drop the Greater Rocknose pet. He’s a large beast capable of hitting incredibly hard, though his attacks are slow and easily blocked with a shield. He appears to be the alpha male of his group of rocknoses, dwarfing them in size and strength. Living Mountain is a rocknose king located near Spotter’s Squat in the southeastern desert. He can drop the King Rocknose Head alongside small quantities of demon blood and brimstone. Living Magma is fairly simple and doesn’t offer anything too special. He’s located in the volcano and is similar in combat to other rocknoses. Living Magma is a large Rocknose that seems to pulse with volcanic energy. The beast drops demon blood, a fragment of power, and a legendary weapon or armor repair kit. Bow and arrow attacks can also prove effective. The best way to tackle this demon is to run around him, avoiding his attacks and attacking when possible. He can also fly up into the air and swoop back down, an attack that could easily throw you from the tower.

He attacks with his wings and with sonic screeches. The Albino Bat Demon is one of the first tough bosses you’ll fight. It guards the Altar of the Bat, needed to craft the Awakened Staff of the Triumvirate. The Albino Bat Demon is the boss of the Tower of Bats, a location you’ll reach in the early game. The Shaleback King is notable for his ability to drop the Greater Shaleback pet, which is a follower version of the Shaleback King. Rolling away will avoid almost all of his attacks. He uses attacks from both red and green shalebacks in his repertoire. While he deals much more damage than a normal shaleback, he’s incredibly easy to fight. Not much is known about him, though he is presumably the alpha male of the nearby Shalebacks. The Shaleback King is a giant shaleback that can be found around Lookout Point and the Oasis of Nekhet. She’s also guaranteed to drop Misha’s Bite, a set of legendary daggers. She’s able to drop demon blood, goldstone, shadebloom, and other valuable resources. Misha is notable as a mini-boss for her drops. She also has a knockdown attack which can leave you vulnerable, though it’s easily avoided. Misha can be a somewhat challenging fight, as she does a good amount of damage and is very aggressive. The bear is presumably a pet of the Nordheimers that live within the nearby settlement.

Misha is a brown bear mini-boss that roams near the north side of New Asagarth. Therefore, for the Mini-Boss category, we’ll focus on the more notable and unique enemies that warrant their title as a Mini-Boss.

They’re not noteworthy, and honestly, I wouldn’t regard them as bosses. Many Mini-Bosses are just slightly more powerful versions of other NPCs or beasts. World Bosses are a mixed bag of difficulty, and Dungeon Bosses are generally the hardest to defeat. In terms of difficulty, Mini Bosses are usually the easiest to tackle. These are Mini-Bosses, World Bosses, and Dungeon Bosses. There are three main types of bosses in Conan Exiles. Let’s begin by breaking down into which categories those bosses fall. Today we’ll be looking in this Conan Exiles Bosses Guide, at all the bosses in-game, including a brief look at their backstory, what they offer, and where you can find them. That being said, some are tucked away in the corners of the world, so we’re going to find them. Between twisted monstrosities in the sewers to the final pure-blood Serpentman, many bosses in Conan Exiles offer a troublesome challenge to players. Some of the toughest challenges in Conan Exiles are in the boss fights.