So if something is catching you off guard with its off-kilter nomenclature, you can alter it to something more useful, like 'AOE (area-of-effect) stun.' That way, you always know what Spritnite does at a glance, which is especially useful in the aforementioned where every second counts.

Go crazy and experiment on boss fights to see what you prefer, and note that the main character can essentially serve as a guinea pig for any setup.An important thing to keep in mind: you can actually edit the names of individual pieces of Spritnite with the triangle button while highlighting it in the Spritnite menu. This also has the added benefit of allowing your other characters to min-max (build up one statline in an extreme manner, sacrificing most others) and not worry so much about a balanced loadout. Then, with a Command slot, give them the taunt ability that forces an enemy to focus them and takes the heat off of your other party members. Initially, you'll have loadouts that provide one slot for each, but as you acquire more gear that in turn grant you more slots, you can get a little more in-depth with your choices.For example, you can buff up one character with defensive Support Spritnites, providing a greater health pool and a higher defense rating. Then you have Support abilities, which are more passive effects (like granting the player more health or providing elemental defense).

Spritnite explainedSpritnites, I Am Setsuna's 'sorta kinda materia' system, is confusing at first, but learning it allows you to adapt to the game's many challenges.First, you have Command abilities, which provide direct tech powers like physical abilities (Cyclone) or magic (Lightning). Keep an eye on your meter even if it's not that party member's turn, just to see if they have a sliver left and can expend their SP a mere second later. This situation might arise if you need to strike immediately, like when you're breaking through a guard where a boss is charging up a special attack. If your party isn't equipped for a boss fight, you don't necessarily need to grind for experience, but you might need to grind for items instead to acquire new game-changing Spritnite. It's a win-win, as you get gold from selling off that you can use to buy new items from other merchants (the Consortium doesn’t require gold), and you can gain abilities in the process. They sell Spritnites, which provide active and passive abilities to each party member who equips them.To buy Spritnites from merchants, you need to sell them certain materials - with each Spritnite requiring a different combination.

The Magic Consortium, explainedIt took us a while to figure out how the Magic Consortium worked, but it's actually pretty straightforward.

They primarily consist of ingredients, which provide more health-recovering food options.They're especially tough to spot because of the snowy landscapes that fill I Am Setsuna’s realm, but you'll start to pick up on the blinking lights after several hours of play. No, you're not doing this for your own individual aesthetic benefit - standing around actually lets you see shiny objects clearer.